T-NET Canada is uniquely positioned to reach into the evolving Canadian context as God brings the world to our country.

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See What God Is Doing in Canada

Canada’s spiritual landscape is quickly changing. Judeo-Christian values are declining and those who would identify as evangelical Christians now make up only a small percentage of our population.

Yet, God is at work.

Ministry leaders are asking questions such as, “Church as we know it is gone, but what is God up to?” and “How do we make disciples the way Jesus made disciples?” As more and more churches reassess their true calling, they are becoming people-oriented rather than program-oriented.

Additionally, followers of Jesus from around the world are coming to Canada in growing numbers. As God brings the world to Canada, the opportunities to reach our country and our world are changing too. Many new Canadians are open to building relationships as they settle in their new country. This creates countless moments to partner with and equip church planters as they arrive. The possibilities for making disciples and seeing thriving churches planted are growing in incredible ways.

T-NET Canada is eager to come alongside ministry leaders and see with them what God is doing.


Immigrant Populations by 2036

T-NET Canada desires to develop training centres in major metropolitan areas, including Toronto, Montréal, and Vancouver, where immigrant communities are most concentrated. T-NET training centres will encourage and support the multiplication of disciple-making followers of Jesus within immigrant populations. Since Canada has an ever-growing immigrant demographic, this is one of the biggest opportunities to reach our nation – and our world.

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Between 46% and 53%

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Between 28% and 34%

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Between 42% and 49%